Calcium Chloride REACH Consortium
The manufacturers of Calcium Chloride have joined efforts for their REACH compliance activities and have launched the Calcium Chloride REACH Consortium.
Consortium description
The REACH Registration dossier was originally submitted in 2010. The Lead Registrant for Calcium Chloride is Solvay Chimica Italy S.p.A and the secretariat of the Calcium Chloride consortium is handled by ReachCentrum.
The consortium members span over a large spectrum of the European chemicals industry and include members from ESAPA - the European Soda Ash Producers Association. Calcium chloride is produced by several processes including the Ammonia-Soda process and reaction of limestone with hydrochloric acid among other methods. Calcium chloride finds use in a vast number of applications within many industrial, professional and consumer sectors. In 2010, the dossier was originally compiled with information primarily owned by the member companies. At that time the member companies also jointly decided on the common uses to be included in the CSR. In 2020, the dossier was spontaneously updated in function of the Art. 22 requirements or REACH. Again this action was performed by the group of companies active within the Calcium Chloride Consortium. The dossier was upgraded to the latest applicable IUCLID version, a new literature search was performed and the dossier was updated with the new relevant hazard information. The exposure and risk assessment was fully reviewed, slightly re-organized (see section ‘Substances covered’ for overview of uses covered) and generated within Chesar.